Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Student ICT Survey 2010

In Room 4 we have defined culture....
The culture of a particular society is its ideas, customs, traditions and the way they live. Culture is created by people and what they value and appreciate. Culture is affected by the means of communication, food, art, celebrations, nationalities and family history.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Check out this video we watched from Fair Go to reinforce the idea of consumer rights


Monday, August 30, 2010

We are using story jumper to create children's narratives. Check out the link below to create your own story book

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Waimaths Success for SAMS

Last night we had a number of students participate in the regional Waimaths competition. Our Year 7 Team came 3rd and we won 1st, 3rd and 4th Place in the poster competitions. Our Year 8 team performed well on the night but did not place.

Year 7 Team
Joyce Guo
Nathan Cleaver
Horim Choi

Year 8 Team
Panpan Seehamart
Abigail Wallace
Dylan Roberts

1st Place for the Waimaths Poster
Horim Choi

3rd Place for the Waimaths Poster
Susan Rangi

4th Place for the Waimaths Poster
Darshni Moodley

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Your homework task is to add your book report to our Morris Gleitzman wall

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

NZ Volcanoes

Volcanoes in NZ

Latest NZ Volcanoes
And 1 from NZ's own Mt Ruapehu 1995/1996

So how does erosion work?

If this is how it works in the sea - how does it work in the river??


The Start of the Waikato River

Port Waikato

View Larger Map
Want to learn more on rivers?

Rock Types

We are going to have a look at rock types through using these 2 webquests below.
Discover How Rocks Are Formed
Students will work on these in pairs. Students will need to compile basic research notes as they go - you may choose which format is best for you for note taking.
Add 3 things to rock types vocab list as you go - remember once it's on the vocab list you can't add it again, so search for interesting information that others will enjoy reading!! :-)

Post your notes here

Hinuera ignimbrite

Hinuera ignimbrite (often marketed as Hinuera stone) is a yellow-cream to pale-brown ignimbrite containing angular fragments of pumice in a fine-grained matrix of volcanic ash. It is still quarried today, and widely used for cladding buildings in the North Island.
Andesite is a fine-grained, extrusive igneous rock composed mainly of plagioclase with other minerals such as hornblende, pyroxene and biotite. The specimen shown is about two inches (five centimeters) across.

The Rock Cycle

Fun Activities Landforms

Check out the Landforms page on wikipedia

Volcano Song

Plate Tectonics

Making Mountains

The Moon

Moon Information page and a comparision between the Moon and the Earth.
Some Moon Facts from Kathrin via email - difference between Earth and Moon and how landforms were created  Moon had very active volcanism in it's early history - there are still remnants of volcanoes, but most of all Moon was heavily bombarded by meteorites causing many of the craters we can see today. Earth also received meteorite hits but contrary to the moon today they are hard to make out - partially because of all the vegetation we have  in contrast but also because of the lack of erosional forces that lack on the moon in contrast to Earth.

How do the Earth's Tectonic Plates work?

Changes of the Earth's Tectonic Plate over 650 Million Years

How are Mountains made?

An extra activity with ARB's Plate Tectonics with student worksheets.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pre-Assessment Writing - Describe

My Room, My Castle

A television station is advertising for teenagers to enter a competition for a free 'room makeover'. If you win, your room will be transformed into the room of your dreams. Your plans should be considerate of the needs of all the people who live in your house, as well as giving you a dream bedroom. Write a description of how you would like your room transformed.

The entry form asks you to:
briefly describe your original room and what aspects need changing describe your ideas for the makeover of your room show some originality and flair in the changes you describe

  • Plan your writing before you start.
  • Be logical and ordered in your presentation of ideas, organising them into sentences and paragraphs.
  • Include an introduction and conclusion.
  • Use language that will make your writing interesting and vivid for your reader.
  • Remember to use the time at the end to proof-read and edit your writing, paying attention to grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Time Frame:
5min discussion as a class
5min Planning
30min Writing
5min editing at the end

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hey Guys
What a great session we had in the Media Hub today. I was very proud of the learning that occured and how focused everyone was. Can't wait to see the final presentations!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hi everyone. I have successfully created a blog for us to use this year. Please visit it often and have your say. I love getting your feedback and ideas.
Have a great day.